The Love Letter

And we have known and believed the love that God has for us. God is love, and he who abides in love abides in God, and God in him.

1 John 4:16 NKJV


The Love Letter

A devotional for February 14th through the 20th


Do you celebrate Valentine’s day?  What do you think of Love?  Do you enjoy showing love to others, whether they are a significant other, a child, a parent, family or friends?  On Valentine’s day, many love letters are written, cards are signed, and other expressions of love are done.  Many people love to celebrate this day, many do not.  Part of this reason is because many people feel that it is all about the love between two people and they don’t have a significant other.  What people don’t often think about is that it is not about one type of love but love in general.  Love for all.

Do you know the one love letter that was written for all?  There is a good chance it sits in your home.  The love letter that was given to each and every one of us is the Bible.  It is a love letter that details not only God’s love for each of us, but also says what He will do for us to help us be with Him for eternity.  What an awesome love letter!  Can you imagine someone loving you so much that they write a detailed love letter explaining what will happen through the ages, how to love, and what He will do so that you will be with Him for eternity?

The Bible is filled with details about God’s love for us.  Details about how we should live and how we should love each other.  Everyone knows about 1 Corinthian 13, the love chapter of the Bible.  But there is so much more.  The Ten Commandments that are written out in Exodus (and talked about throughout the Bible) are all about love.  They are not meant to burden or restrict us; they are meant for love.  The first 4 commandments are about our love for God.  The last 6 are about our love for each other.

Read the Bible and remember to look at it as a love letter from God.  You will see, when you look at it through eyes of love, how much God truly loves each and every one of us.  You will see how He sent Jesus to die on a cross because of His love for us, His desire to have us with Him for eternity.  That is a love that we can’t even fathom.  How awesome it is to know that God loves us so much that He gave His life in order for us to be with Him.  That alone is enough for me.  That is a love letter I will always read, meditate on, and cherish.


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