
But Ruth said: “Entreat me not to leave you, or to turn back from following after you; for wherever you go, I will go; and wherever you lodge, I will lodge; your people shall be my people, and your God, my God.

Ruth 1:16 NKJV



Midweek thoughts from a Bible study


Have you read the book of Ruth?  Have you really thought about what it says in this book?  It is a wonderful book in the Bible full of great examples of faith, trust, following God’s urging, as well as another snip of Jesus’ family tree.

Ruth was from the Moab tribe.  She was not Jewish; she would have been considered a Gentile.  She married one of Naomi’s sons who then died.  Naomi was left with no husband and no sons.  She told her daughters-in-law to return to their people as she was returning to her home.  Naomi was sad and not felling good about herself or her situation.  Ruth refused and went with Naomi back to her home.  Ruth even told Naomi she wanted to follow her God.  Ruth stayed with Naomi and followed all of Naomi’s instructions.  Ruth ended up marrying again and having a child.  This child was a direct ancestor of Jesus. 

I love that this book illustrates that even Jesus’ family tree is filled with various people, not just Israelites, not just Jewish.  We are all meant to be saved.  It also shows that even when things seem without hope, as long as you stay faithful to God, He will turn everything around and shower you with blessings.  God is great and powerful.  Even with this small book about Ruth, He shines through as a God of love.

If you haven’t read the book of Ruth, do!  God’s love does shine through!


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