Behold, I have refined you, but not as silver; I have tested you in the furnace of affliction.
Do you feel like the struggles and challenges of life are just too hard? Do you wonder why you have to go through so many of the trials? I know we all feel this way from time to time. We get run down, tired, depressed, worried, and just don’t want to go on. We get exhausted.
It can be hard to see it but there is good from all that we go through. God uses all the struggles to refine us. We are tested and put through the furnace of affliction. The purpose is to purify us. That is what the fire does, it purifies. We must do our best to go through the difficult times holding our head up and doing the best we can to learn and grow. God wants to refine us and make us pure like gold.
Pray and ask for strength. Ask Him to continue to mold you and purify you. God is always right there with us. God will see us through. We must have faith and know that it is meant for our good. To make us closer and closer to the people God wants us to be. To help us to one day, go home to live with Him. I may be tired today, but tomorrow I will see the blessings of God. Praise Him for his loving kindness!