Love, Not Hate

for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,

Romans 3:23 NKJV


Love, Not Hate

A devotion for March 21st through the 27th


There has been more recent news of hate crimes against others, this time against Asian individuals.  It seems more and more there is news of hate against people of different races, different religions, and so on.  People are being divided up based on something that is viewed as a difference.  This is so sad.  It boils down to hate and anger against others.  We need to remember; we are all the same.  We are all sinners.   

Whether we are black, white, Asian, Indian, Jewish, Catholic, Baptist, Protestant, heterosexual, gay, or whatever may be viewed as a difference between individuals, we are all the same; we are human and all have faults.  We are born sinners and with faults, whether obvious or not.  We all need the forgiving grace of God.

God sent his only begotten son, Jesus, to pay the price for all the sin each and every one of us has within us.  It doesn’t matter how righteous we think we are.  Whether we are a leader in the church, an Elder, Decan, Pastor, or whatever the title is.  We are all sinners and all fall short of the glory of God, as the Bible verse says.

Only One was born sinless.  Only One lived a sinless life.  Only One.  Jesus.  And He took on the sins of the entire world, for all humans, ALL.  He was rejected, spit at, beaten, pierced, and died a horrific death on a cross.  He took on the heavy, very heavy, weight of sin for all.  Sin causes us to be separated from God.  Jesus took that on and had that time when he did this, that he was separated from His Holy Father.  He died this terrible death all for the love of a world that loves sin, and this world, more than God.  Think about it.  Really think about it.

The love of God is so immense we cannot even fully grasp it.  God loved us that much.  Jesus loved us that much.  Not a few of us, not a select race or kind of person.  ALL of us.  Each and every one.  That is an incredible love!  Accept what God is offering.  Repent and give your heart to God, to Love.  Accept that we are all the same, all sinners, and all loved with an immense love that we cannot grasp.  We are loved that much!

Have you given your heart to God?  Really turned over all your sins, all your faults, to God?  Can you let go of your sins and give them to God?  He can and will forgive if you let Him.  Give it all to God.  Love one another as God has loved you!


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