I will be a Father to you, and you shall be My sons and daughters, Says the Lord Almighty.
When you have children, you hope so many things for them. You do your best to raise them with values. You want to give them all the things you never had, or all the best things you can. You teach them many things such as how to walk, talk, read, write, and most importantly, right from wrong. You hope for them to grow into a wonderful adult with values. Most of the time it goes fairly smoothly. Sometimes it does not.
Sometimes when teaching a baby to walk, they faulter and fall. You pick them up and start again. When teaching a child how to speak or read you have to repeat and repeat until at last, they have the word. Writing takes practice. Doing it again and again. The hardest part is right from wrong. We tell our children not to do things that perhaps will hurt them or that is not appropriate for them to do. Sometimes they listen, sometimes they do not. Even when they struggle and make mistakes, we love them and try again.
This is how it is for our Heavenly Father. We are His children. He loves us in such a way that we cannot fully comprehend. His love for us is beyond words. He sent His only begotten son to die for us. It is truly amazing. He has also, repeatedly, tried to teach us all right from wrong. His word is full of instruction and guidance. Through many of the stories in the Bible, God repeatedly tries to teach His children to follow His word and not the world. God hasn’t given up. God still has hope we will learn.
It is wonderful that we have a Heavenly Father who not only loves us in an amazing way but also has patience while we learn. Let’s give back to Him and show Him that we have learned and do want, truly want to follow His word. The path it will lead us on is to a wonderful, eternal home with our Heavenly Father. What a wonderful promise that is!