Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!
Family. How often do you spend time really thinking about your family? Your mother, father, siblings, aunts, uncles, cousins? Spending time thinking about shared times together from years gone by, sharing new experiences and adding to the memories, gives us a foundation. Family is special. Time with family is special. There is a special bond. Shared memories, experiences, as well as blood lines. We come together for holidays, vacations, weddings, and funerals. The last being the hardest.
We need to all remember our family and keep contact with each and every one. Not once a year, or only at special events, always. Keep the connection. We need our connection to our family. We need those bonds. The laughter, the hugs, and the tears. We need our family. Family gives comfort.
Our family also extends beyond just the family we are born into. Family can also be those friends we form special bonds with. Our church family who we share our faith with. Anyone we form a special bond with. We need that as humans. We need those connections. We need to ensure we stay close and are there for each other.
Now place yourself in our Heavenly Father’s position. He is the head of our family. He is the one who loves each of us the most, more than we love our earthly families. His love is beyond our comprehension. Our Heavenly Father needs our attention as well. He needs our time. He needs our effort. For every hour, minute, second, you give our Heavenly Father, He gives you so much more. His love is never ending. He can comfort us through the worst times. He never fails.
We need to keep our earthly family close, both biological and friend or church. But more than that, keep your Heavenly Father close. By working on your relationship with our Heavenly Father, we are given, gifted by Him, eternal life together. Our time here on earth is short. Plan for eternity with Him. Then we can all spend eternity with not only our Heavenly father, but each other as well. What a promise!