Even If

For His merciful kindness is great toward us, and the truth of the Lord endures forever. Praise the Lord!

Psalm 117:2 NKJV


Even If

A devotional for January 24th through the 30th


Do you pray?  How often?  Do you talk to God?  We need to spend time with God each day and learn as much as we can from studying His word.  It amazes me how much deception is out in the world and how much God’s word is taken out of context and used to justify our actions and decisions.  God’s word often steps on our toes, and it should.  It makes me take a look at how I am as a person and what I need to do to be the person God wants me to be.  That is what God’s word should do.  Teach us and make us uncomfortable because we are not doing the things God wants us to do.  However, God has given us free will.  God hopes we follow His word but He knows most will not.

I pray for so many things daily.  Things happen in life and I know it is something to take to God and turn over to Him.  I also know I need to trust, have faith, that even if things don’t go the way I pray they will, or when I think they should, or how I think they should, God knows best.  God’s timing is right and God only has our best interest in mind.  God just wants to know that we will stand firm with Him through it all.  That is where I am today.

I have been praying for my sister and her family.  When I prayed, I said to God what I hoped for and then said “Your will be done”.  I knew that no matter what I hoped for God already had it in control and already had what was best in mind.  God knows best.  My sister passed away, even sooner than the doctor’s thought.  And my niece didn’t make it in time to see her.  I couldn’t go to see her.  I know though, with all my heart, that how things ended up going were how God thought it should.  My sister now has no more pain and is at peace.  I miss her terribly and am hurting for her husband, children, and grandchildren.  I still find comfort in God. 

I find comfort in knowing that God is in control.  Nothing in this world is so important that I would forget about God.  God comes first.  God is in charge.  He knows what is best for all.  I also know what I have learned from His word.  He tells us what is going to happen and what we should keep as important, our relationship with Him. 

I put my family, friends, everyone in His hands.  God knows what is best and I pray God sends the Holy Spirit to work on everyone’s hearts.  Grow your relationship with God.  That is the most important thing to be concerned with at this time.  Your relationship with God.  This earth and the things here are temporary.  Your eternal life with God, with Jesus, is the only thing that is eternal and should receive most of your time.  Pick up your Bible.  Look for God’s truth.  Paise God for His goodness and knowing what is best for each and every one of us!

You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.

1 John 4:4 NKJV


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