Until now you have asked nothing in My name. Ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be full.
I heard this in a sermon one night that was all about allowing God control and knowing that with Him in control, your life would be so much better. I really liked what this poem had to say so thought I would share it.
I’m trusting Lord in You
Whatever is Your will to do
Send grief, or pain, or suffering
Just send me a song to sing
I know your power to deliver in love
You rule all the universe above
I know all things will work for good
And yet But if not
By Thy grace I will serve Thee
By Thy love I will serve thee
I cannot look to tomorrow-only today
All things will work for good in Heaven someday
My belief cannot be based on my trials
You’re coming in just a little while
Though the night may seem cold
You know the way I take; I will come forth as gold
Until then help my faith not to waver
In light of eternity forever
Help my belief to stay strong even yet
By They Grace may I say:
But if Not.