Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God.
We will often invite people over to our homes for a meal or some kind of get together. We gather for birthday parties, graduation parties, and celebrations of all kinds. Sometimes they are simple and sometimes we go all out. As humans, we enjoy and need to company of others. This is how we also nurture our relationships. We need each other. We want to be welcoming when people come into our homes and we pray we will be just as welcome to their homes.
What about other places? Are we welcoming in other circumstances than just our homes? What about God’s house? Are you welcoming to others there? It is so important to remember that when we are at church, it is God’s house. When anyone comes inside the church, whether it be a member or a stranger just visiting for the worship service, we should always be welcoming. We should always make sure anyone stepping foot inside the church feels they are welcomed just as if they were walking into our home.
God opens His door to us no matter how we are dressed, no matter what our employment is like, no matter what our nationality, race, creed, or anything else used to designate a group of people. We are all the same in God’s eyes. Church member or not, He welcomes us and wants us to come inside with Him. We need to be the same for each other. Welcome all who enter. It shows God’s love to others.