Who Has Your Burdens

Cast your burden on the Lord, and He shall sustain you; He shall never permit the righteous to be moved.

Psalm 55:22 NKJV


Midweek thoughts


Have you ever worked on a project, put your whole heart into it, only to have someone else take it away from you without even telling you?  Someone taking your idea that you were working on and do it on their own without including you?  That is pretty much what happened to me.

I am participating in a special program at work.  I have been excited about this as I am able to learn leadership skills, as well as other skills, to benefit me not only at work but also personally.  We were all divided into groups, teams, and given the task of coming up with a new business line, write up a business plan, and present it to senior leadership for the possibility of having it be something that they decide to move forward with.

I was able to come up with an idea that my team decided to move forward with.  We have been working on this for the past several months.  We are a good way through the work.  I had a contact, someone who helped with the idea and who was supposed to be getting me connected with others to help us develop this plan.  Then today, the rug was pulled out from under me.

I was given the news that the people who were supposed to help us develop this plan, who we were trying to help with this plan, decided to pursue it without us.  They are doing it and leaving us out.  Without going into too much detail, it messed up everything we have worked so hard on. I got upset, cried, and while crying, talked to God.

This is how I handle things.  Even when things get rough, I start out upset and crying, start talking to God, then shortly after that, I get to work.  I problem solve.  I don’t do it alone.  Everything I do, God is right there, whispering.  After discussing with the team and a mentor, we decided we will still work on this project, just picking another location as our base point.

God is always there, ready to wipe away our tears.  Nudging us to pull up our bootstraps and press on.  Often, we think we are doing it on our own, but we aren’t, we can’t.  Without a firm hold on God’s hand, we will continue to falter.  We need Him to lift us up and guide us. 

When things start spiraling out of control, turn to Him.  He is right there to help us wipe away the tears, readjust the plan, and move forward in the way He knows is best. 

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