Wheat and Tares

He has turned His attention to the prayer of the destitute and has not despised their prayer.

Psalm 102:17 NASB


A devotion for February 23rd through March 1st


Matthew 13:24-27 talks about the parable Jesus spoke about the wheat and Tares. This parable talks about a landowner who planted good seed in a good field but during the night an enemy came in and planted tares and then left. When the landowner's slaves went out to check the field, they discovered tares growing among the wheat. They asked the landowner if they should get rid of the tares, but the landowner said no, let them grow together. The landowner was concerned that by pulling the tares out at this time it would cause damage to the wheat. The landowner said when the harvest time comes then to pull the tares, bundle them, and burn them then to pull the wheat. The tares are something the enemy has done.


The landowner who planted the good seed was Jesus, the planter of the tares was Satan, and the field was this world. Much like the parable the world today is faced with many tares. We went this afternoon for a mental health class where they discussed many different problems (tares) that people go through. When we got home, I got a call from a longtime friend from school telling me they are getting a divorce and whatever it was that happened he lost control and did a lot of destruction to a house they had for a long time and did a lot of work to.


Many times, the devil is always working on people even those like my friend who was always in control of his emotions and had a very calm demeanor about him. So, when he told me this news, I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. I didn’t ask too many questions; I just listened and supported him the best I could. I eventually found out that between family problems and his job, the stress overtook him, and he reacted in a very negative way.


We all face the tares that the devil throws at us each and every day but only a personal walk with Jesus, daily prayer and the prayer of others can we overcome the things that Satan throws at us. Never forget to pray for your daily life and especially those you love.

Brad Pigsley

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