Weary Traveler

Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.

Matthew 11:28-29 NKJV

A devotion for April 3rd through the 9th


Are you weary?  Have you been going through this life, journeying on, feeling more and more beat down?  I know I have.  Lately I have felt very, very weary.  As we go through this life, many things come along that tire us.  We feel so beat down, like we can’t go another step farther.  Life in this world does that to us.  It makes us feel weary, heavy burdened, longing for rest.

I know we are all feeling very beat down lately.  Especially since the pandemic, we are all tired, frustrated, longing for rest, peace.  It seems like every time we turn around someone else is asking something of us.  There are all the demands on us at work, demands on us at home, demands on us from family and friends.  Don’t get me wrong, they are all important, but finding peace among all the demands and pressure can be so hard.  It’s a challenge some weeks, some days, to find a quiet moment to close our eyes and just rest.  Find peace.

This world is so full of hustle and bustle.  Run here, do this, go there, it’s all so overwhelming sometimes.  We crowd our days with meeting after meeting, task after task.  We make arrangements to get together with friends or family for “leisure” time to relax, but do we?  Or is it adding more to the busyness of life?

In all this busyness, are we making time for the One who can truly give us rest?  We need to make sure we are making time to give our burdens over to the One who can take them from us.  We were not meant to walk through this world alone.  We were not meant to carry heavy burdens.  We were not meant to travel through this life on our own. 

Make time for the One who can take our burdens from us and give us rest, peace.  Through the small, quiet times during the day when we go to Him in prayer, He gives us rest.  By keeping ourselves close to Him, He gives us strength to get through this life, and when Jesus returns, the true peace will be for all our weary hearts.  No more burdens, no more pain, just the everlasting peace of being with our Heavenly Father for eternity.  This promise means peace in the future but also in the present.  Accept His peace.

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