To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven:
One of the most difficult things it seems is to wait. Waiting is hard. I don’t know about you, but I have always struggled to wait. Whether it be at a doctor’s office, for car repairs, or even on the Lord. It is a struggle waiting.
Recently we have been waiting for many things to happen. Two are the really big ones that are the most difficult. We have been trying to sell our house and much of the time it is a waiting game. Waiting for feedback after a showing. Waiting to see if someone will come through with an offer. Waiting to hear if someone even wants to see the house. Waiting.
The other thing I have been waiting for is a new placement for my daughter who has mental health issues. It is hard waiting to hear where a placement will be found. Now she is staying with us until a placement is found. This makes waiting difficult. As well as keeping an eye on her for signs that things are not right. It’s so hard waiting.
What gets me through is this, I talk to God daily. I ask for something to happen but ultimately for His will to be done. I know things will happen in His time. His time is not my time. His way is not my way.
No matter what is thrown our way we need to remember, God is bigger. God is greater. God has already won the biggest battle of them all. Praise Him and thank Him for having all the answers and perfect timing.