Tomorrow is not Promised

These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.’

John 16:33 NKJV


Devotion for October 23rd through the 29th


I teach a good Sabbath School class.  It’s usually me and one student, sometimes two.  We like the small class as we are more willing to be open and share.  The discussion is always so good.  My one student has expressed a lesson he has finally understood from his father, we are not promised tomorrow.

We often feel we have plenty of time to take care of this or that.  Often, we put off important things thinking we have plenty of time for them.  The most important thing we need to do is make sure our hearts are right with God.  Eternity is the most important thing we should prepare for.

This life is fleeting, short in comparison to eternity.  This life is filled with ups and downs, eternity promises to be full of beauty and peace.  The choice seems so easy to me, to many, but yet we put off ensuring our hearts are right with God.  Or we let little things creep in thinking we can repent tomorrow.  But what if tomorrow doesn’t come?

Anything could happen at any time to us.  We need to prepare every moment of every day.  We should start the day asking God to help keep us on the right path with Him.  We should end the day asking God for His forgiveness for anything we did without thinking before we go to bed.  We should go through the day, each day, remembering that we need to stay on the right path with God because at any moment our time on this earth could end.  Then we are out of time.  Out of time to prepare.

We need to pray daily, multiple times, if need be, for God’s strength to get us through each day and keep us on the right path, keep our hearts right with God. 

We aren’t promised tomorrow but we are promised an eternity of glorious peace with Him. Prepare today!

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