And the Lord, He is the One who goes before you. He will be with you, He will not leave you nor forsake you; do not fear nor be dismayed.’
It’s hard not knowing what tomorrow will bring. We often think we know but really it is a vast mystery that can change from what we expect at any moment. Sometimes something will happen that changes the course of tomorrow. Sometimes decisions are made, and things are put in motion while we still don’t know what direction tomorrow will hold. It might be something small or it could be something major. It could be something like applying for a new job where you are, or a new position in a whole new city.
When a decision is made and the motion is started, it can be difficult waiting for answers, so you know which direction to go. If you get the job, you will move. If you don’t get the job you will stay, or maybe you will still move but to a different house, but where? When we don’t have all the pieces it’s hard to put the puzzle together. It’s a challenge and stressful. So, what do you do? You give it to God and trust that He knows tomorrow.
Waiting and not knowing is hard but when we stop and talk with our Heavenly Father turning it all over to Him, trusting He will work everything out for the best. Putting our faith in Him to help us with whatever tomorrow holds is the best thing we can do. We may not know tomorrow but He does. He knows what’s best. He is already there.
Put your faith in the One who goes before you. Let Him calm your fears.