Therefore you also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.
If you are reading this today, on Monday, you will quickly figure out this did not get done yesterday like it usually does. Yesterday was a whirlwind with so many things that needed to be done. It seemed like I never got a moment to take a breath. I checked things off my list right and left but still, at the end of the day, there was no time left. I crawled into bed late feeling a bit defeated, exhausted, and still not able to sleep.
While I lay there with the events of the day running through my mind, this thought occurred to me. I did not allow time for God. Oh, I read the devotion to my husband before he crawled into bed and I attended choir practice for an upcoming revival we will be having at church, but I failed to take my time with God that I usually take. The conversation I usually have with Him, about all the things weighing on my heart, never happened. Time slipped away and so did my time with Him.
I have spent time today talking to Him, praying, listening to an audio book that talked about what happens when women say yes to God. It was a good audio book and reminded me I had not said yes to God at all yesterday. I rushed through the day. I realize this is something that should not happen. We are not promised tomorrow. We all need to diligently spend time with God preparing for His eternal promise.
Don’t let time slip away. We don’t know the hour or the day. Tomorrow may not come, but Jesus will. He will come in all His glory to take us all up with Him to His Heavenly kingdom. Let’s all be prepared and spend time with Him now.
Don’t let time fly away. Lay your treasure in Heaven and prepare for His soon coming.