As the deer pants for the water brooks, So pants my soul for You, O God. My soul thirsteth for God, for the living God: when shall I come and appear before God?
I have heard Psalm 42:1 many times recently. It was used for a hymn written in 1982 by Martin J Nystrom. When I hear these verses, my mind immediately goes to how I feel about God. My heart longs for, and is thirsty for, Him and His word. This is something each of us should feel. A strong desire for our Heavenly Father.
Our desire for God, our desire to study His word, should be so strong that it pulls us toward Him. This is a desire we should want more than any other. We should have a thirst, a hunger, for Him and all He offers.
Sadly, things of this world seem to pull at us so much that a desire for Him fades into the background. Much of the time we find ourselves spending far more time indulging in all this world has to offer, all for the immediate “pleasure” we gain from it. We only want to satisfy the urge we have for worldly things, and we spend no time investing in the One that will outlast everything else.
There are things we must do in this life simply to live. But we need to remember there is something far more important and more long lasting than anything this life has to offer, an eternity of peace with our Heavenly Father.
If you have any strong desire at all, let it be for Him and the eternal love He offers.