The Fallen

Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends.

John 15:13 NKJV


A devotional for May 29th through June 4th


Here we are, another Memorial Day.  Each year we are encouraged to remember those who gave all.  As we have heard, Armed Forces Day is to honor those who are currently serving in the military.  Veteran’s Day is to honor those who have served previously in the military, especially during wartime.  Memorial Day is to honor those who gave their lives for the freedom of all Americans.

Memorial Day is a day we should all be humble and thankful for all those who fought our battles, all those who sacrificed their lives for our freedom.  It is humbling to me to think what they must have gone through and how many never made it home.  It’s humbling.  It’s sad.  But we are grateful still for their sacrifice so we could be free.

If it’s hard for you to imagine what they must have gone through, spend time thinking of another who sacrificed all.  He was not in the armed forces, but He fought, fights, a war.  He did not wear a uniform; He wore a crown of thorns.  He did not die by gunfire or explosions.  He died nailed to a cross for our sins.  Think of what Jesus went through and He willingly walked toward the pain He knew was coming.  He willingly gave all to save a sinful world.

On Memorial Day I honor those who gave their all for my freedom.  I honor those who fought for our country, to ensure each one of us can remain free.  I also honor the One who paid the price for my sins, the first soldier to willingly walk into the fire, walk to the cross.  Those who have given their lives in battle I believe understand better than most the price that was paid.

Honor our fallen soldiers.  Honor Jesus. 

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