Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.
Today my husband and I decided to check out a place we just recently heard about. It’s called Vincent Bluff Preserve. It is an area that has trails leading up, yes up, to a high bluff, or series of bluffs. There are trails going all along the tops of each bluff, some of them right up to the edge. It is quite the workout getting up to the top but well worth the hike.
With it being spring, signs of life are just beginning to sprout out everywhere you look. There is still a lot of brown but as you walk you can see tiny purple and white flowers peeking out as well as some pretty yellow ones. Spots of color hidden amongst the brown. Little signs of new life. One of my favorite parts of spring!
Hiking along the bluff and seeing the little spots of color here and there, as well as the small leaves just growing on branches, made me think about God. I always think about God when I am in nature. I began to think about the new life God promises all of us in the Bible. This is what I long to see. Jesus returning in the clouds, surrounded by angels, taking His sheep home. Home to a new life so unlike the one we live now.
We have no way of imagining what this new life will be like. It is beyond our comprehension. But what I do know is it will be far better than anything in this life. No pain, no suffering, all the things of this world gone. We will have peace and nothing but good. Sin will forever be gone, and we will forever be surrounded by His love.
We need to give our hearts to Him. He wants to bring us home and He will bring us home in His time to a new life unlike anything we could ever imagine!