If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
Sometimes thoughts come from reading things from other people. My niece posted something on Facebook where she talked about a plant, a Sparkling Sarah plant, she had bought last January 2021. She described it as a very healthy pretty plant, but she had noticed over the year that it began losing leaves to the point she thought it was dying. She did research and followed the instructions.
Two months ago, she took the whole plant out of its soil, cleaned off the roots with water, removed the dead roots and cleaned off some gunk and replanted it again and gave it fresh fertilizer and water. She said she notice just last week a new leaf unfurling! The plant was not dead and is coming back to life. After reading her account, which I paraphrased, I began thinking more and more about it. She said she got an object lesson from it and hoped others would too. I did.
Our lives are much like this plant. We begin to feel like we are dying inside. Like everything is hopeless and worthless. Like we are worthless. We let in so much negativity and we forget we need to do what Sarah did to the plant. We need to take some time, more often than we do, to get rid of the dirt, wash out the gunk, get rid of the impurities, and replant ourselves into clean, fresh, positive attitudes.
The way we can do this is by reading the bible, studying God’s word, praying. All these things we can do to bring God into our lives so He can wash us clean. Sometimes it requires getting rid of the bad stuff in our lives. Sometimes it’s cutting off negative, bad influences. But when we surround ourselves with positivity, with God, give our hearts to Him, we begin to revive and come alive again. It’s so important to do this. God wants us to take that step forward, toward Him.
Clean out the dirt and negativity from our lives. Surround ourselves with positivity and God. When we do this, we will thrive and grow with God. That growth will lead to an eternal peace with God.
Inspiration given by Sarah Wahlen