Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; His greatness no one can fathom.
This past weekend, well since last Thursday, my husband and I went camping with family. We stayed in a camping cabin. Nothing but beds, a table, some small benches, a shelf and AC plus heat. We had to walk to the bathroom, or drive in the morning when we really had to get there fast. We really like these cabins though as they work well since we don’t have an RV like his siblings have. We always have a great time, and this was no exception.
The weather was almost perfect. The temperatures were great but there were times when it was a bit windy. There was peace and just beautiful nature to look at. We were next to a lake which is always so nice. For this weekend I have two wonderful takeaways provided by God, and a friend.
First, I was not able to do a lot of walking, although I tried, due to an issue with my one leg. Looking around, the few times I walked from the cabin to my sisters-in-law’s RV site or to the bathroom, I noticed something and remembered something a friend once shared. She said she likes taking pictures of some of the leaves on the ground as they are in the shape of a heart and say to her “I love you” from God. This stuck with me, so I took several pictures of the little reminders from God of His great love for all of us. They were everywhere!
Second, each night in the middle of the night when I would have to go to the car to drive to the bathroom, I found myself stopping just long enough to look up from the deck of our cabin at the vast array of stars twinkling in the dark night sky. It was like a reminder of how great and awesome God truly is. The beauty is beyond measure. It was not something I could get a good picture of but the time looking up brought me such peace just knowing we have such an awesome loving God.
When things are tough and we are going through various trials, remember to look around you. Look in nature for the hearts God places there. Look up at the dark night sky to see the vast beauty only He can create and sustain. Let these be reminders of His love, His greatness, and know He has it all in His hands. Let Him have all the troubles. He will handle them so much better because He is greater! Praise His Holy Name!