I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.
I know people have said things to this effect before, but this is something I have been thinking about a lot lately. When a group of ladies from my church went to our recent Women’s Retreat, there were things that happened that did not go as planned. A big one affected so many people and delayed things for the afternoon. You see, they set up a buffet style lunch (all the meals were served buffet style) and after the first part of the tables went through the line for food, the other half of the room was left waiting, and waiting, for more food to be brought out. The hotel had failed to prepare enough food for the number of ladies, and they were also short-staffed.
I was one of the ones who got right up to the buffet line and then waited for more food to be brought out. After about a while I chose to take a small amount of salad, half a bowl of soup, and a brownie and go back to my table to eat. There was no more pasta coming out, no more soup, no more of anything. I had to eat something because I had already taken my insulin due to having Type 1 Diabetes. I was not the only one there who needed food so took just a small portion.
We all talked at our table, and I could not help but feel for the hotel, the staff, and the organizers of the event. It was not deliberate; it was just an unfortunate situation. Instead of getting upset and being mad, I, as well as the others at my table, chose to show Christ like behavior and made the best of it. More food was eventually brought out but since we had something we opted to let those who had not had anything get some food. We were satisfied with what we had. It was enough to sustain us, and we could continue to talk, smile, and enjoy the event.
That’s how it should be. We need to shine His light so others can see it. No matter the situation, we need to show others His light. We don’t know what others are going through. The light we shine may be the only light they see on the day we shine it.
We need to let others see His light radiate from us. The light we shine may lead to Him and that’s the most important thing we could do! Be Jesus to others. Shine His light!