You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden.
My church does a bible study via zoom every Tuesday night. I’m the one in charge of starting the zoom session. It starts officially at 6:30pm but I always start it just after 6pm in case anyone wants to join early. We usually do have people who join early. We start out with pleasantries and catching up as well as starting to discuss prayer requests. After all, it’s also a prayer meeting.
Usually, we discuss prayer requests for about a half hour, then we pray. Sometimes we don’t get all the prayers specifically mentioned but we pray with our hearts. After that, we start the bible study. Currently we are studying about the Sanctuary.
It has been wonderful learning more about the sanctuary and the part it plays in salvation. It is fascinating learning how you can see Jesus as you journey through the sanctuary service. I have really been enjoying the study and learning more about it. This week’s study was on Sanctification, specifically talking about the second compartment, which is through the first veil and has the table of shewbread, alter of incense, and the candlestick.
In the study it talked about how the table of shewbread represents bible study, feeding the word. The alter of incense represents prayer. The candlestick witnessing to others. The priests had to attend to this section of the sanctuary each day. Thinking about this and discussing it really made a point. We are to study the bible daily, to pray daily, and to witness about what God has done for us, what Jesus did for us, to others. If we do all these things daily, it strengthens are walk with God. The more we devote to allowing God to pour into us His word, the more we will live lives the way Christ lived. The more Christlike we become.
Spend time each day reading scripture. Spend time praying, talking with God, as often as possible but for sure daily. Share how Jesus has changed your heart and brings you closer and closer to Him. The more we do this every day, the more we change into the people God intended us to be.
Share your light with everyone around you. The more you do, the brighter it becomes.