But the angel answered and said to the women, ‘Do not be afraid, for I know that you seek Jesus who was crucified. He is not here; for He is risen, as He said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay.’
So many thoughts go through our minds on this day, Easter. I don’t do anything special on this day. What I do is meditate on each day, from Friday through Sunday. Each day and what it all means. From the garden to the empty tomb. Really think about it.
It all started in the early morning hours on Friday, what we now call Good Friday. There, in the garden, Judas betrayed his Savior. After Jesus was taken, Peter denied his Savior. During the hours that followed, Jesus was spit at, beaten, flogged, a crown of thorns pushed down on his head, until every inch of his body was covered with blood, all done by people like us, who crucified our Savior.
Put yourself in those times, those hours. Every one of those present, cursing and beating their Savior, are us. As if we were there, and we were. Even today, so many still turn away, deny, curse our Savior. Oh, the pain my heart feels knowing I am no different than any of those back then, crucifying my Savior. Oh, how I want to go back to that time and save Him, stop all of it from happening, stop the pain, but I can’t, and I shouldn’t. It needed to happen. It had to play out just as it did. There was a purpose.
On Sabbath, Saturday, Jesus rested, honoring His Father and the day God made holy. Then once the day was over and Sunday began, His work continued. That is the day the stone was rolled away, and the Savior was gone from the tomb. He rose, just as He said he would. John 2:19 states; “Jesus answered and said to them, ‘Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.’”
Everything that was foretold about Jesus in the Old Testament came true. Everything Jesus said would happen, happened. All of it had to happen just as it did. This was God’s plan of Salvation. Jesus fulfilled everything, becoming our Savior, despite the incomprehensible pain and anguish He had to go through. Why? Love.
Easter is not about one of two days out of the year we decide to go to church. It’s not about a large family meal. It’s not about a bunny, eggs, or gifts. It’s about remembering, solemnly, what our Savior did for us. It’s about the quiet moments we spend thanking Him for paying the price we owe. It’s about our quiet time talking to Him and thanking Him for being our Savior.