
Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear My voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with Me.

Revelation 3:20 KJV


Midweek thoughts


As we prepare to close out another year, it seems time to reflect on this past year as well as thinking about the one ahead.  Many people plan resolutions they plan to start with the new year.  I don’t set resolutions, I set goals.  But first, I need to look at the year I’m leaving.

This past year was a difficult one for most, I know for me it had its ups and downs.  I think if we all took time to look at the past year, we would all see high points as well as low.  Did we learn from the low?  How did we handle the low?  It’s different for everyone.

For me, between my family and my husband’s we lost 6 family members.  None of them to Covid.  This always hits hard but having so many within the first 7 months of the year was difficult, to say the least.  Through one of the losses, I was able to reconnect with my father.  There was a low followed by a high.  Emotions took a beating this past year.  But through it all, I continued to talk with God.

The one thing I am most grateful for is being able to turn to God with all the lows and praising him for all the highs.  Thinking about all this, I realize the most important part was holding onto my relationship with Him.  I do not hold onto God hoping for great rewards.  I hold onto God for strength through the lows.  For strength through the trials.    

You see, if there is one thing I have learned, it’s that I can do nothing without Him.  I can’t even take a breath without Him.  I need God to be present in my life each and every day.  The only way to have God present each day in my life is to be present with Him.  I need to study, to read the Bible, and ultimately, to talk with God.  Whether I talk to Him in a formal prayer or just as I would a friend, I must keep the communication going. 

I need to make sure that I am always present with Him so he can be present with me.  If I shut that door, then He can’t come in.  So, for the coming year, I am setting goals.  Goals to continue communication with God.  Goals to continue studying His word.  Goals to continue working on and building my relationship with my Heavenly Father.  Goals to open the door.  This is the most important thing I can do.  My relationship with God is the most important one I have. 

So, what goals did you have for the previous year?  What goals do you have for the new year ahead?

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