Our Intercessor

Therefore He is also able to save to the uttermost those who come to God through Him, since He always lives to make intercession for them.

Hebrews 7:25 NKJV


Midweek Thoughts


During the revival that was held at church this past weekend, the last session was about what Jesus is doing for us in the heavenly sanctuary.  This followed the session that covered Jesus’ life from Gethsemane through His crucifixion.  Both topics have been going through my mind as they often do.  These are things we all need to think about, contemplate, and really center on.  They can be very heavy, deep, and make us wince when we think about the price Jesus paid.  We should spend time each day meditating on it all.

It is humbling to think about Jesus paying the price for my sins.  When I go over each lash, beating, taunt, and nail, I try to imagine the pain He went through.  It is so hard to think about and I know I don’t have but a very small idea of what it must have been like.  The physical, emotional, mental toll.  Everything combined.  Each tearing of the skin, each drop of blood, all of it had to be more excruciating than any of us can truly imagine.  That level of pain is so unimaginable.  The most amazing part is, He went through it willingly, for me, for you, for us all.

After going through all that, having the weight of all our sins bearing down on His shoulders the entire time He was being crucified, what did He do?  He arose again and ascended to heaven where He continues to work on our behalf.  He is our advocate, our intercessor.  He is in the heavenly sanctuary pleading our case before God.  He paid the price so we could be saved.  He did it so we could be with Him for eternity in His kingdom.

I don’t think I could have done a tenth of what He has done for me.  I am weak but He is strong.  He did it for me.  He did it for you.  Why?  For love, pure love.  Even His love is hard to grasp.  That kind of love we don’t see in this world.  No matter what we have done, the level of our sins, if we humble ourselves and come to Him, He will stand before God stating our case.  He did it with His blood. 

He is our advocate, our intercessor.  Ask and He will save.  He has already paid the price with each drop of His blood.

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