Missing Mom

Therefore you now have sorrow; but I will see you again and your heart will rejoice, and your joy no one will take from you.

John 16:22 NKJV


A devotion for May 8th through the 14th


Today is Mother’s Day once again.  Every year on this day, I get a little sad, just a little bit.  I miss my mom.  She has been gone for 11 years this August 30th.  I think of her about every day in some way.  I miss her.  I miss her laugh, her smile, her way of just being her.  I miss spending time with her, doing anything, or nothing at all.  I know I am not alone.  I know there are many more out there missing their mom as well.

Moms are a gift from God.  They are the ones we are given who nurture us, teach us, mend our hurts, provide hugs and so much love.  Moms have so many rolls to play, nurse, teacher, taxi, cook, cleaner, launderer, you name it, and a mom does it.  Moms are everything, including our example of how to be a mom.  It is a privilege to be a mom as well as to have one.  When we lose our moms, we lose a piece of our hearts.  A hole is left.

First, we are little with our mother holding us close.  Then, we are grown and don’t need our mom as much.  One day, we become a parent ourselves, holding close our little ones and seeking guidance from our mom.  Then, the day comes when we no longer have our mom.  She rests in Jesus.  Now, as I sit here missing my mom, I realize how she must have felt when her mom, my grandmother, was gone.

The loss of a mother is hard, no matter the age.  It is a hole in our hearts that just can’t be filled.  The memories flood in and as they do, I feel a smile remembering all the good times.  I thank God for the gift of my mom.  I know that she rests in Jesus.  One day, we don’t know when, Jesus will return, and when He does, what a joyful day that will be.  He will raise our mothers up and we will be with them again.  Each generation together, rejoicing for eternity with God, in peace and with so my love.  Beyond measure!

Let God’s grace and promise mend the hole in your heart.

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