Mending Broken Pieces

The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.

Psalm 34:18 ESV


Midweek thoughts


This morning I was getting ready for work and when I reached for my phone that was lying on top of a cabinet, the fabric caught and pulled the one and only figurine I had sitting up there.  It didn’t fall off but did fall.  When it did, the flower broke off.  I put the pieces back on the shelf with the thought that I would get some super glue and fix it another time.  Since then, I have thought about this broken piece off and on throughout the day.

It’s a reminder and mirrors us.  We are broken.  Sometimes in just a couple pieces, easy to fix.  Other times, we are broken into so many pieces we don’t know if we will ever be right again.  Then there are the times in between, when it’s more than two pieces but just a few.  Broken pieces need mending.

Sometimes it might be just a simple hug that lifts us up and sets us right back on the path we need.  Sometimes we need more, such as therapy or rehab.  Sometimes it’s just time or maybe conversation, maybe both.  Everyone needs different things at different times to help “mend” their broken pieces.

Today I have been feeling “off” all day.  I don’t know why or even what I need to lift myself back to my usual self.  I’m sure tomorrow will be a better day.  In the meantime, I am doing what I think is best for me and something we should all do when we are feeling broken.  I’ve been talking with God all day.  I even took a walk and chatted with Him the whole time.  A quiet moment with Him.

Time is still needed but “He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds” (Psalm 147:3 ESV).  Turn over all your broken pieces to Him.  Let Him mend them and turn them into something beautiful.

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