Little Blessings, Little Reminders

He shall receive blessing from the Lord, And righteousness from the God of his salvation.

Psalm 24:5 NKJV


A devotion for June 2nd through the 8th


Today was one of those days that really didn’t go well.  Quite often things just didn’t quite work out the way I had hoped. But even so, there were several little blessings.  Each little blessing reminded me that He is in control, and He cares about even the little things.

When we woke up it was raining.  At times there was lightning, thunder, and moderate to heavy rain.  This was not a good thing as our church was scheduled to do a cleanup of our adopted street.  We had postponed from a previous date due to rain and here it was, raining again.  This time we put it out there that we were going, and it was up to everyone else to decide if they wanted to come. 

We arrived a bit late and shortly after we got there another couple arrived and our pastor.  It was still a bit of a heavy sprinkle, but we got out of our cars, prayed, and proceeded to get to work.  Two on one end of the street and our pastor and I on the other.  The fifth person drove between us taking pictures, letting us dump our buckets into a bag, and just checking on us.

Shortly after we started, the rain stopped.  Before too long the sun came out and it warmed up.  We got the whole street cleaned quickly.  God gave a little reminder that doing His work He will bless.  Then we headed out to grab a bite to eat with the other couple.  When we arrived, we learned they had closed for half an hour prior to our arrival because they were so busy.  When we arrived, most of the crowd had left.  Another little blessing.  Another reminder.

This weekend there were several more little blessings.  Every day God gives us little blessings.  We just need to look for them and then we need to thank Him for reminding us He is there, and He loves us.

Count your blessings!  When you do they outweigh the difficult times. Praise Him for His care and love.

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