Life's Challenges

And I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them out of My hand. My Father, who has given them to Me, is greater than all; and no one is able to snatch them out of My Father’s hand. I and My Father are one.

John 10:28-30 NKJV


Midweek Thoughts


Challenges.  We all have them.  We all must deal with them.  Some are easy, some are so hard and take a toll on our minds, emotions, and spirituality.  We are also all different in how we respond to things.  Grief is one of those things we all go through at one time or another.  I know I have gone through it at various times and in various levels over the past year or so.  Challenges, like life, are journeys.

Many times, we get wrapped up in our emotions or the situation we are going through.  Sometimes, during these difficult times, we have moments where we break.  Sometimes we say things, maybe they are things that need to be said but maybe the way we say them is just not quite right.  Feelings are hurt, emotions run high.  The roller coaster of emotions we feel during times of loss can be hard to control.

Getting through this past weekend was a challenge, for me and others in my family.  We all went through different emotions, as well as the same emotions, at various times and at the same time.  The wild ride of grief.  Praying for strength from God helps during these times.  When we talk with God and listen, He tells us what to do, guides us, and gives us strength.

This week we pray for the families of two church members who passed away very close together.  We pray for my uncle who has also entered into rest.  We pray for comfort; we pray for strength.  Our loved one’s rest, waiting for Jesus soon return.  With God’s promise, we look forward to the time when Jesus returns, and we can all see our loved ones again and be welcomed into God’s beautiful, peaceful kingdom.  Praise God for our next life will be eternal and filled with peace!

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