
Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Restore to me the joy of Your salvation, and uphold me by Your generous Spirit.

Psalm 51:10, 12 NKJV


A devotion for October 29th through November 4th


Sundays are the busiest days sometimes for me and my husband.  It is the first day of the week and the only full day we have to get things ready for the work week.  We do our grocery shopping, errands, cleaning, and laundry.  Lately my husband has been helping with the laundry by carrying it downstairs, washing and drying it, and bringing it back upstairs for me to fold and put away.  He started doing this because I was complaining about going up and down the stairs all the time, so it became a joint effort.

As I was folding laundry, I started thinking about how I have changed how I fold some of the laundry based on conversations my husband and I had back when we were first married.  When you begin living your life with your spouse you often have conversations about how each person does different things.  It’s okay to do things differently if you can come to an agreement. It’s also good to learn from one another and choose to change the way something is done because you have learned a better way.

I fold some of the laundry differently now.  There are a few things I do differently now.  I had conversations, thought about it, and learned how to do some things in different ways.  Some things I learned to do differently based on research on how to properly do something, like folding fitted sheets (always a hard one).  This is what we are supposed to do.  Ask questions, listen, research, and learn.

I take these same principles into account when I read the Bible.  I read, ask questions, study, and learn.  I meditate and identify the things God is pointing out to me that I need to change, then I pray for His guidance and the Holy Spirit to help me make the changes I need to make.  I can’t do it without Him.  None of us can. 

Read the Bible.  Study His word.  Pray for the Holy Spirit.  Allow Him to give you a clean, better heart.

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