I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you.
A devotion for September 3rd through the 9th
Recently I have been doing my best and using an app on my phone to help me memorize Bible verses. I struggle with my memory quite often and I get frustrated when I can’t remember a citation or verse, sometimes both. I want to remember Bible verses better as it says in the Bible, we need to know the verses so we can use them just as Jesus did to protect us and keep us from sin. I decided I need to do a better job on this, so I am taking steps to make that happen.
The app I am using is called VerseLocker. So far, I like this app as it has various ways to practice the verse until you learn it. I am still learning all the different ways of using the app, but I also like that it has a way to study the verses as well. The above verse is my first verse I am learning. And this verse really stood out to me for my first one to practice with. It actually says what I am trying to do. I am trying to store up His word, the Bible, in my heart as I don’t want to sin against Him.
We need to study His word and we need to remember His word. We must make the whole Bible be a part of our hearts, solidly held there to protect us. When we draw on His word in times of trouble, distress, or making decisions, it helps to guide us on the right path. And the best part of holding onto His word in our hearts is the great gift it gives us. His grace, His forgiveness, His promise of eternity with Him.
I don’t know about you, but I am ready to give up everything in this world for the gift He offers. Salvation and an eternity with no sin, just peace.