How Great Thou Art

When hard pressed, I cried to the Lord; he brought me into a spacious place. The Lord is with me; I will not be afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?

Psalms 118:5-6 NIV


A devotion for January 14th through the 20th


I have spoken before about the importance of prayer.  Prayer is often done in a variety of ways and no matter how you pray, pray.  God hears every word.  I feel the best prayers are prayers that come from the heart.  I have been enjoying this quarters Sabbath School lesson which is on the Psalms, and it talks a great deal about the Psalms being prayers.  This really speaks to my heart.  Recently I had an experience where I prayed in the form of a Psalm without even really planning on it.

Last week we had two snowstorms in the area where I live.  I hate having to drive in bad weather and am grateful to God that I don’t have to drive to and from work since I work from home.  But l found myself having to drive in the early morning during the first storm.  I got behind the wheel, buckled my seatbelt, and began to pray.  I did not sit there in the car with my eyes closed and head bowed.  I spoke out loud the whole time I drove.

I found myself talking to God about how He is our creator.  I thanked Him for everything I could think of.  I asked for His guidance while I drove.  I asked Him to drive the car for me.  I asked Him to look out for everyone who had to be on the road and all those who had no home to go to for warmth.  I talked about how I am not worthy but so grateful for His love, mercy, and grace.  I praised Him for how awesome He truly is.  I covered so many things during this prayer.  Once I got to my destination, I thanked God for His protection.

Because of this experience, I have a new love for the Psalms.  I see how praying the Psalms can truly be beneficial and help in learning how to pray.  I have an appreciation for the study we are doing now and a desire to read more of the Psalms and to pray through the Psalms.  I recommend studying the Psalms and especially praying the Psalms.

God gave me the above verse, Psalm 118:5-6 when I was looking for a verse to go with my experience.  How great God is!  Pray, He hears!

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