He Speaks

Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, to God who alone is wise, be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen.

1 Timothy 1:17 NKJV

A devotion for December 12th through the 18th


When I was young and though out my life, my parents often used sentences and phrases that were either from scripture or from some inspirational book they had read.  Mom would always say “just because somebody does something wrong to you, you don’t have to lower yourself to their level”.  That was just one of many, many things she would say to me as I would battle with problems in my life with other people. 

Another one both my parents would use is “vengeance is mine says the Lord”.  I would get so upset at the way people would treat me and others that I was bound and determined to seek revenge on these people.  But as soon as I would get to where I was putting myself or others in harm's way, these phrases would come to my mind.

Even to this day, after my parents have both passed away, I find myself returning to my ways of old, God gives me the words of inspiration that my parents taught me all through my life.  I didn’t realize just how much of my life He has been a part of until I look back over the directions my life could have taken me.  But I am so thankful God is in control and He has brought people into my life to inspire me with His words.

Right now, I am preparing to face my first Christmas without my mom.  Her love for Thanksgiving and the Christmas season when all the family was gathered together laughing and sharing memories, and memories of dad sitting in his chair reading the Book of Luke where it talks about Jesus’ birth.  As much as my heart aches for their loss, the blessing of what they have been in my life, and most of all the blessing that God has been in my life, keeps me pushing forward and forever giving thanks for my parents, my friends, and the rest of my family.

I pray each and everybody has a blessed week this week and share a memory with someone you love. And always remember that God is in control through the good times and the bad times.  His blessings will extend forever.  – Brad Pigsley


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