
For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God,

Ephesians 2:8 NKJV

Midweek thoughts


Do you ever think about grace?  Do you give grace? Do you know you have been given grace?  Grace is something we will hear about at church.  We read about it in the Bible.  But have you taken the time to really meditate on grace?  Grace is an amazing thing, in so many ways.

There are times in life when someone does something that we don’t like, we don’t agree with.  I know this happens more often than any of us want to think about.  Maybe someone cuts you off on the interstate.  Maybe someone runs into you almost knocking you off your feet.  Or maybe you were waiting for a friend to call, hoping a friend would call, and they don’t so you’re disappointed.  There are so many ways things can go differently than how we want them to.  We get discouraged, upset, maybe even angry. How often do you give others grace?

When things happen that discourage us, disappoint us, or hurt us, we don’t often think about giving grace.  It is something we should practice.  Giving grace to others through times like this is like forgiving.  You say “it’s okay, it’s a small thing” and you move on.  That is like giving grace.  It’s hard for us, as sinful people, to stop and take a moment to offer grace to others.  But it’s important.

You see, God has given us all grace.  He offers grace to each and every one of us if we would just accept it.  The amazing thing is, our sins are something we should feel terrible about.  We should, and often do, feel like we cannot and should not be forgiven.  But God offers us grace.  This is God’s gift to the world because He loves us all.  Accept God’s gift of grace.  Bow down to Him and Him alone and thank Him for His wonderful gift.  Show Him how much you appreciate this gift by your actions, including offering grace to others.

God’s grace is a beautiful thing.  Cherish it.

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