for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, 24 being justified [a]freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus,
You may (or maybe not) noticed that there was no Midweek Thoughts last week. It was not intentional; it was simply a mistake made by me. Life got a hold of me, things happened, and I simply forgot. This happens to everyone from time to time but when it happens to me, I beat myself up. Then I remembered what someone told me just last year, “give yourself the same grace you give others”. Those words have stayed with me.
We often have things happen, life, and when it does, we sometimes forget things, miss things, or completely skip over them. We make a mistake. Many times, we beat ourselves up, kick ourselves, whatever term you choose to use. We are hard on ourselves. We need to remember to give ourselves grace. The same grace we give others, better yet, the same grace God gives us.
God planned for our salvation because we are all sinners, we all mess up, “all fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23 NKJV). And yet, Jesus came down and died on a cross for each of us! God gives us His grace freely, it’s His gift to us. What a precious gift! If God can give us grace, all of us, when we are sinners, then we need to remember this and give ourselves that same grace. Forgive ourselves, open the door for Him to come into our hearts. This frees us so much!
God is great! We need to accept His grace, and when we mess up, we need to give ourselves that same grace. Praise God for His grace!