Give Grace

Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.

Ephesians 4:29 ESV


Midweek Thoughts


Have you ever had a situation where someone got upset with you over what seemed like a small thing that really wasn’t anything you purposely did, but they felt like you did?  Something happened and they just seemed to snap saying unkind words to you that hurt your feelings?  How did you react?  Sometimes we want to just snap back, right?  What we should do is give grace.

I have a good friend, someone special to me, who snapped at me.  This is a wonderful person who has been through so much in their life and has come through it all better than before.  I have a great deal of respect for this person.  Lately, their life seems to be very hectic, with not much time to just breathe.  In the last couple of weeks there has been a lot going on and I know this person is under a lot of stress.  Something I didn’t mean to do, thought I was just being helpful in mentioning, and trying to make light of, set them off.

I was hurt by the things they said and quickly said “I’m sorry”.  I tried to leave it alone and give them space and they decided to take some space.  I was left feeling hurt but in talking with God I realized they are under stress, and I should not take it personally.  No matter what, I need to give them grace. 

This can be a hard thing for us to do, giving grace to someone who has hurt us.  It is exactly what God wants us to do.  Give grace.  Think of what Jesus did paying the price for all of us when we don’t deserve it.  God gives us all grace through Jesus.  Grace to enter His kingdom.  Grace filled with love for each and every one of us.  A grace we can’t always understand.  He wants us to give it to each other as well.

The next time someone hurts you, give grace.  The next time words are said, or an action is done, give grace.  We don’t always know what someone else is going through, give grace.  God has given it to all of us.  Accept His grace and give it to others.  It might be the only good thing some people ever get to receive and might change a heart.  Give grace.

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