Finish the Race

Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize.

1 Corinthians 9:24 NIV


A devotion for June 16th through the 22nd


This Sabbath, I had the privilege to attend the last sermon presented by a previous pastor of ours (and very good friend) at his current church who is leaving for an assignment to Kenya.  His sermon, as always, really touched me.  He is a powerful speaker whom God is using in great ways! His sermon title was the same as this devotion.  I was inspired.  But my words are not as eloquent as his.

We all run a race.  It’s sometimes a very long race with many hills and valleys.  There are twists and turns.  Sometimes it’s hard to see what is around the next bend.  We are not always sure we want to continue, not knowing what is around that bend.  There are distractions always pulling at us wanting to change our direction.  We get hungry and feel the need for sustenance.  We get thirsty and just want a nice cold bottle of water.  We get tired and just want to leave the race and go find a comfy chair. 

Don’t stop, finish the race.  It may be long but the reward at the end is great.  Have faith when you can’t see around the next bend, He is guiding and protecting. Have faith in Him and stay focused on Him, He will never lead you astray but keep you on the narrow path.  Feed on His word for the best sustenance to help you endure.  Drink of His living water and you will never be thirsty again.  Let Him be your strength and He will comfort you.  Finish the race.

At the end of the race, He will be there.  Coming from the sky to bring you to Him and take you home.  There He will take your hand and say, “well done, my good and faithful servant”.  His love knows no end and will wrap you in an everlasting peace.

Finish the race.  The prize is eternal and beautiful.  Finish the race.


Dedicated to Pastor Taariq Patel

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