Even If We Don’t Know The How

Immediately the father of the child cried out and said with tears, ‘Lord, I believe; help my unbelief!’

Mark 9:24 NKJV


A Devotion for August 13th through the 19th


Going through this life there are so many challenges.  Some big, some small.  Some seem big but really are rather small.  From getting ready for the day, managing a job, managing a home, managing a family, and all the other aspects of life, it can all build up sometimes and we just feel ourselves being overwhelmed.  Sometimes just a simple thought of “how is this situation going to get worked out” lingers and brings us down.  We often can’t see the “how”.

We really aren’t supposed to worry about the how as God is ultimately in charge.  God has a way of working things out if we give it to Him and let Him handle it in His way and His time.  That’s the hard part.  I often find myself talking to God and saying I know He will work it out and He has a plan, but how?  I know I shouldn’t worry about the how, but….how?

The hardest thing there is for us is to give it to God and trust that He has a plan and will work out whatever the situation is.  God always has a way.  We often don’t see it and sometimes even when it presents itself, we don’t see it as God working, but He is. 

Trusting our Heavenly Father seems to be something that is so hard for us, and it shouldn’t be! But yet, it is.  Perhaps the best thing we could do in this situation is pray to Him and say, “I trust in you Lord, help my trust in you to stay firm even if I don’t know the how”.  This may be something that we have to say daily, hourly, even moment by moment.  Praying is always the best way to go, especially when we don’t know the how.

Pray today.  Pray often.  God does hear.  God does answer.  God knows the how.

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