For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God [that is, His remarkable, overwhelming gift of grace to believers] is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Lately we have been studying the book of John in the Bible. This is the last week of this lesson series. We also had a special Christmas program at church yesterday that was truly wonderful and really had me thinking, once again, about the birth, life, and death of Jesus. It’s important to place yourself in various parts of the story of Jesus to really connect and understand. It really does help when walking through His story. It always moves me.
The last couple of weeks I have had a new thought occur to me as I contemplate Jesus’ life and death. When I think about His second coming and what it might be like when He does return, I mostly think about falling at His feet praising Him and thanking Him. This time a new dimension came to my mind; eternity is not long enough a time to be able to properly thank Him.
How do you properly thank the One true God? How do you express the level of appreciation, gratefulness, love for the One who came down personally to live as one of us? Thinking about the depth of His love. He came here, this sinful world, came as a baby just like all of us, grew to a man, and died willingly on a cross the most horrible death! How do you thank Him?
I try to thank Him by giving Him my heart. By living my life being a kind, caring person. By showing love, kindness, compassion whenever I am able. By talking to Him and allowing Him into my heart to have a close and personal relationship with Him. To accept His gift to me, to each of us. The gift of His love. Accepting the invitation to be with Him for eternity.
Even with trying to do all of this, it isn’t enough. Thinking of having eternity with Him is the greatest thing I can think of and yet, it doesn’t seem long enough. None of it seems enough.
But it is. For Him it’s all He asks. For us to accept His gift, freely given. For us to welcome Him into our hearts and plan for that eternity to express our gratitude.
To Him we are enough. He wants us for eternity.