Dessert First!

But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.

Matthew 6:33 NKJV


A devotion for August 27th through September 2nd


When we were setting up for potluck on Sabbath, one person said they really wanted to put dessert first, reversing the order of how the food is laid out on the table.  I thought it was a great idea and said, “let’s do it!”.  So, we proceeded to reverse the order of the food on the table.  There were a few people who were surprised, and people seemed a bit confused, but everyone went with it, getting their desserts first working their way down to the entrée’s.

During lunch some of us talked about having dessert first and how we thought that was the best way to go.  I started to think about this, and a few things came to mind.  For one thing, people usually always fill up on the main course first then have no room for dessert.  Dessert is the best part!  But there we all sit, too full to have the best part of the meal.

This made me think about God’s word.  We spend so much time filling ourselves up with things of this world, TV, radio, time on our devices, work, shopping, parties, so many different things we spend time filling up on that we get worn out and tired and don’t feel like picking up our Bibles and getting into God’s word.  We are so busy filling up on the world that we don’t make time for prayer, to talk to our Heavenly Father.  We are too full for the best part!  The part that is not of this world but offers us eternal life!

Take time to put dessert first, put Him first.  Read your Bible.  Pray to Him who gives the greatest gift of all.  An eternity of peace wrapped in His loving arms. 

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