For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
What an unusual December. Normally this time of year we have snow on the ground and it’s cold enough for coats and maybe gloves. This year it’s a bit different. Yesterday we had record temperatures in this area. Then about 4pm the sky began to darken with a fast-moving storm. It was a long, skinny storm that stretched for miles from south to north. With this storm came winds up to 95 mph in places.
Somewhere around 4:30, I’m not sure of the exact time, our power went out. No lights, no tv, no computer. About this same time the sirens started going off and downstairs we went taking our dog with us. It didn’t last long, just a few minutes, then the sirens stopped, and we came back upstairs. Still no power. We sat here in the dark, talking and texting family and friends. About 7:30 the power came back on to our delight. Then about 45 minutes later, off the power went again plunging us back into darkness.
This made me think. Many of us spend so much time in the “dark”. Then one day, we learn God’s truth and we see the “light”! We delight in God and all His marvelous light! We think everything is great, we have God in our hearts, no need to fear. Then, suddenly, we are in darkness yet again. Longing for the light. What we don’t seem to know during the dark times is God is still there. No matter how dark things get, God is there! All we need to do is to hang on to His outstretched hand, pray, and He will care and provide for us through any trial.
Today, we have power once again. The most important part? We are holding onto God’s outstretched hand with faith that even in the dark times, His love will get us through. You may not always be able to see His hand before you because of the darkness but reach out anyway! He will take your hand and walk you through! The darkness is temporary. The light of His love is eternal!