Cleansing Grace

For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.’

Mark 10:45 NKJV


Midweek Thoughts


I received a text from a friend that encouraged me to read The Desire of Ages by Ellen G. While pages 646-651.  I read the whole chapter with my husband.  We then read John 13:1-17 in the Bible.  It talks about Jesus washing His disciples’ feet.  The foot washing is part of what we do when we have communion at church.  I always feel it is important to take part in this and spend time contemplating Jesus. I’m always moved by this part but somehow reading these pages adds something to what I have already been spending time thinking about.

It talks about Peter not understanding the service Jesus was performing.  It talked about how “Peter was refusing the higher cleansing included in the lower”.  Jesus was humbling Himself to that of a servant to teach that we all need to humble ourselves and be servants to others.  Jesus wanted to wash more than just the disciples’ feet, He wanted to clean their hearts.  They “still needed His cleansing grace”.  We all do.

We all need to contemplate the lesson Jesus is teaching.  I’m still thinking about it and praying about it.  I pray God will wash my heart.  I pray for the heart of a servant.  I pray for the higher cleansing.  I pray for God to give me a heart that longs to do for others.  It’s all an act of grace.  I pray for these things so I can have a heart full of grace for others.

To be great is to be least.  To be served we must humble ourselves and serve others.  To have the higher cleansing we must first have the lower.  Pray for His cleansing grace.

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