Calm in the Storm

But He said to them, “Why are you fearful, O you of little faith?” Then He arose and rebuked the winds and the sea, and there was a great calm.

Matthew 8:26 NKJV


Midweek thoughts


Life can be like a storm sometimes.  Wave after wave comes crashing in on us.  We don’t know where to turn.  We think things might calm down but then, another wave comes crashing over the side of the boat, threatening to capsize us.  Sometimes these storms come out of nowhere.  They can be scary and test our patience and resilience.

Today, there wasn’t a storm as in rain and thunder, but heat, lots of heat.  It was in the 90’s.  We get hot days but for it to suddenly be this hot this fast was not something our bodies were prepared for.  My husband had been drinking lots of water while he worked and was fine when he got home.  We were going to go get a bite to eat before going to the church but then got a call from a friend that he would be there soon.  We decided to head over to the church.

We got there at 4pm and my husband, Brad, started to weed eat.  He wanted to get some things done but the big project was the sign.  They were going to be putting up our new church sign.  Soon the others arrived, and the guys began putting up the sign.  It was about 45 minutes after we got to church that Brad started to feel odd.  He sat down and I got him some water.  It wasn’t long before His eyes got a look in them, I did not like.  He was starting to pass out.  I held him in place until his friends got to him to help.  I called 911 and we proceeded to carefully get him into the church to cool off.  He came out of it quickly but did have a minor heat stroke.  The paramedics checked him out and when they were sure he was fine, they left. 

During all this chaos and excitement, I found myself thinking about a bible study we had done just last night with other church members.  Matthew 8:23-27 talks about Jesus and the disciples getting into a boat and a storm coming up.  The disciples were afraid and called out to Jesus who was sleeping.  Jesus was calm and with just a few words, calmed the storm.  He was at peace.  I realized that I stayed calm and just did what needed to be done.  Everyone stayed calm.  I feel like we all just trusted that God would take care of the situation, and He did.

Rely on the One who can calm your storm.

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