But do not forget to do good and to share, for with such sacrifices God is well pleased.
Can others see God working in your life? Are you a walking sermon? We don’t need to even mention God if others can see Him in us. How do you present yourself to others? Do you complain? Do you talk about things you find fault in? Do you smile? Or maybe not? Or do you go through your day with a joyful heart? There are so many ways others can see Him in us and through us without our even saying a word.
I read a short story yesterday about a woman who felt hopeless. Her circumstances were not good. She took a job that was offered at a little shop. It paid enough to help with the bills. But the best part was that the shop owner showed God working in her life through her actions. The shop owner never mentioned God, church, or bible studies to this woman but she could see Him in this shop owner’s life. Seeing Him in the shop owner caused her to seek out the church, do the bible studies, and become baptized. This is powerful!
This story illustrates how important it is to show God working in our lives just by our actions. Doing kind things, being helpful, and most of all… Smiling! God working in our lives should make us feel happy. Having a great relationship with God where we trust in Him for all things should show on the outside. This is how we can reach others without saying a word.
So, where is your relationship with God? Are you the walking sermon? Smile and let others see Him in you! You never know when this might just help another who is lost to turn toward Him! Praise God for His greatness and share His love each and every day!