An Angel’s Presence

Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?

Hebrews 1:14 NKJV


A devotion for July 21st through July 27th


God sends angels from above to touch our hearts and lives. Some walk through quickly, leaving an impression on our hearts that lasts a lifetime.  Others’ lives intertwine with our lives, binding together with us year after year, shaping our lives. 

The ones who step in and out quickly can leave our hearts with deep impressions, molding our path even though they have gone their own way.  We may not even know their name or anything about them. The others who intertwine with us, who bond with us, stay with us throughout our lives. They become so enmeshed in our lives, so close, they become a part of our hearts, a part of us.

All angels that touch our lives are meant to guide and teach, sometimes even being taught by us, as we are an angel to them.  No matter how brief or long, God’s mission to our hearts is done in the time and way He wants. 

The brief touches leave a part of Him even if we can’t remember the who.  The ones whose hearts are intertwined with ours are the difficult ones to lose.  When one leaves, the other grieves.  There is sadness and an empty spot in our hearts.

God promises though, the parting is temporary.  One day hearts will be brought back together, never to be parted again.  With an eternal bond held by Christ’s hands.  Remember the blessing God gave of the angels in our lives, and the hope that one day we will be joined together once again.


Dedicated to my friend, Kristina E Smith. You will see your friend again!

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