So he answered and said, “ ‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind,’ and ‘your neighbor as yourself.’ ”
Giving. We are in the greatest of all giving seasons. This time of year, everyone plans on rushing out to get the perfect gift to give. People rush to try and get the best deal, the biggest, the latest, the greatest gift ever. So many people they want to give a gift to. Loved ones, co-workers, friends. So many people we all want to give gifts to.
Then there are those who struggle to give even just a simple gift because they care. They maybe can’t afford to get the things their children want. Money is tight. There just isn’t enough to go around to pay bills, rent, mortgage, food, and still get all the wonderful gifts to place under the tree.
Most people love to celebrate the Christmas season. It’s a wonderful time of year filled with pretty lights, pretty decorations, snow (sometimes), songs of good cheer, parties, and pretty presents under a tree. But do you remember the reason?
As we should all know, Jesus was not born December 25th. No where in the Bible does it say this was the date of Jesus’ birth. The Bible does give other clues that place the time more around September or early October. No one knows for sure. But still, it is nice to celebrate the birth of our Savior. It’s important to remember this reason.
This year, celebrate in a way Jesus would want you to. Don’t worry about pretty presents under the tree. The best gifts we can give others is love. Be kind. Do nice things. Be helpful. Sometimes the simplest kind gesture done for another can make a huge difference in their day, maybe even their life. Show God’s love to another. Show others that God truly loves and cares for them. He does. God’s love is so great for each and every one of us He sent His only son to die on a cross, taking on the sins of the world when He was sinless. Jesus showed us how to live. It’s time we started following His footsteps.