A Prayer

Prayer is the opening of the heart to God as to a friend. Not that it is necessary in order to make known to God what we are, but in order to enable us to receive Him. Prayer does not bring God down to us, but brings us up to Him.

Steps to Christ, The Privilege of Prayer (sc 93.2)



A Prayer

Conversation with the Lord


Sharing a prayer as I am moved to talk to the Lord daily.

"Heavenly Father, I thank you for all Your many mercies.  You are so great, beyond words.  I know that every morning I wake and every breath I take is a gift from You.  I know that I cannot do anything without You.  I wish to do all things to Your glory; I praise You for everything you have and do for me each and every day.  Thank you for being by my side and walking with me through every trial and every triumph.  I know that no matter what I am going through, You are going through it with me.  I know that everything will work out according to Your plan.

Lord, this world is in chaos.  There are so many things going on and so much that seem to be putting divides between people.  People are divided about their opinions, their views on various things.  People are being kept apart because of disease.  People are more isolated than ever before.  People are angry about so many things and rebelling against being told what they should do to keep others healthy.  This year has been filled with so much and this disease that has been ravaging the world is a large part of everyone's difficulties.  People are depressed, sad, lonely, and afraid.  I am saddened that we can't see my mother-in-law.  I'm disappointed I can't spend the holidays with my children.  Life as we all know it has been canceled or changed.  Disappointment has been around every corner.  

I know what Your word says about the end times Lord and I feel like we are there.  I know from Your word that things will only get worse before Jesus returns.  We long for that day Lord.  We long for Jesus to return so the suffering will end.  I pray Lord that while we wait You give your peace and strength to everyone.  I know about Your love Lord and I pray for others to know Your love, strength, kindness, peace, and grace.  I pray each and every one turns toward You as only You can heal the hurting.  Only You can give strength and peace.  I pray for that Lord.  

Thank you again for Your grace, Your peace.  I am comforted through it all knowing you are walking beside each and every one of us.  I am comforted knowing You are in control and Your plan is perfect.  I praise and thank you Lord for all your many blessings.  I pray more people recognize how many blessings you bestow each and every day.

In Jesus holy name, Amen."

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