2021 Resolutions

Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall, but those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.

Isaiah 40:30-31 NKJV


2021 Resolutions

A devotional for December 27th through January 2nd 


Resolutions.  Most people make them every year for the New Year.  What are your resolutions?  How did you do with the ones for 2020?  Most people struggle to see their resolutions through.  For 2020, I’m sure most of the year did not go as planned for anyone.  I choose not to make New Years Resolutions.  I like to make goals.  Not just as the new year rolls in, but daily.

My main goal every year is to keep my priorities straight.  Priorities are important and we should all work hard to keep them in the proper order.  What is my top priority you might ask?  God.

Going to church is good.  It’s a start.  Everyone should go to church.  But what about the other 6 days of the week?  Do you make time for God?  Do you make God a priority in your day?  You should.  We all should.  I know even though I have done so much better over the course of the year, I still need to work on making God more of a priority.  This will be an ongoing goal of mine throughout eternity.

By spending time with God each day, reading some of the Bible, studying God’s word, praying often, having conversations with God and listening for what He has to say.  All these are so important.  The more time you spend with God, the more blessings you will see in your life.  God wants to bless us.  God wants us to have a relationship with Him.  He is our best friend and knows what is best for each and every one of us.  Everything else in life will go much better for us if we put God first.  If I haven’t gotten anything else out of 2020 it’s that.  God needs to be first.

Make God a priority in your life today.  Make time each and every day for God.   God has given us each so many wonderful gifts.  By giving time to Him, we are giving Him the gift he wants most, ourselves.


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